Its been a couple of hours into the day predicted by the Mayans as the End of The World. I don't really feel a tremor, or hear a meteor crashing anywhere close by or feel a flood coming in. Inspite of all the drama about the end, I as a true optimist have all along believed that the world will not 'end' today, and as the dreaded day has arrived, I still choose to lazily sit in front of my computer and ignore the 'warnings' of the end.
As I sit browsing interesting artists to listen to, I wonder why we all are afraid of the end. Since the day the word 'death' enters our vocabulary, we all know that it is inevitable, don't we? Nobody in the history has ever been to skip that part where we leave the earth and go to another life(or anything else that you may believe in, happens after death). Not even geniuses like Socrates and Einstein could. I highly doubt it is going to happen anytime soon. Yet, we do not accept death as a milestone in our lives, just as we accept our graduation, our wedding or even our divorce.
Maybe it is that we value life so much that we do not wish for it to end. We all wish to wake up everyday and smell the flowers while the warmth of the sun’s rays make our cheeks glow… As if!
As I sit browsing interesting artists to listen to, I wonder why we all are afraid of the end. Since the day the word 'death' enters our vocabulary, we all know that it is inevitable, don't we? Nobody in the history has ever been to skip that part where we leave the earth and go to another life(or anything else that you may believe in, happens after death). Not even geniuses like Socrates and Einstein could. I highly doubt it is going to happen anytime soon. Yet, we do not accept death as a milestone in our lives, just as we accept our graduation, our wedding or even our divorce.
Maybe it is that we value life so much that we do not wish for it to end. We all wish to wake up everyday and smell the flowers while the warmth of the sun’s rays make our cheeks glow… As if!
How many of us really
do stop and smell the flowers, or look up at the sun and appreciate the fact
that without that ball of flame high up in the sky we all would cease to exist?
How many of us, since the day we heard the ‘doomsday’ was arriving, did
anything to make the rest of our living days meaningful and worthwhile.
We heard the news, gasped
in disbelief and went right back to living as the same old sheep following the
herd, didn't we? Most of just sat counting down to this very day, instead of
adding unforgettable moments and smiles to our days that slipped away.
Maybe if we all had
managed to make those remaining days meaningful and worthwhile, and truly lived
it to the fullest, we would not be so afraid to face the end. Maybe if we realized
what our hearts and our souls truly wish for, and worked towards it, rather
than setting goals that the society has already set for us, we would probably
have been closer to being happy.
If the world doesn't end today (which I really think it won’t!), let’s all take this as a second
chance at life. From this day on let’s choose to take life as a second chance to make it right. Let's choose to spend our days the way it’s
meant to be. Let’s choose to listen to our hearts and our souls instead of the
people around us. Let’s choose to live our lives!