Strong. Independent. Brave. I am not new to these words
being used to describe me, obviously used after Stubborn. Weird. Short,
nonetheless I accept these compliments with a big smile and an odd giggle as if
I am in accordance with their description of me.
The Fellowship ended up being one of the best learning experiences, and the journey is still on |
As to why
anyone would say “How do you do it?”, or “where do you get the courage from?”
or even “You are soooooo brave!”, fret not, I shall explain. I am a tiny little
unmarried Indian girl who loves to travel and do things I’ve never done before.
Since it is a tough task to carry my mother around with me, it means I travel
alone. Yes! Alone! Which is apparently super unusual for an Indian girl. Why? That
is a story for another day.
As to me
being all brave and superwoman. I am not! I shake, shiver and decide to quit
all the time. I am writing this very blog post from a train from Delhi to
Udaipur, where I start my life’s new chapter, working on a fellowship to help
improve the Indian education scenario. Just a day before I was hiding under my
friend’s blanket, shrieking that I didn’t want to leave the bed!
My dear
friend had to go through quite a riot to calm my nerves down, but once I got on
the road I was fine. It took a lot to get to “fine”, but I most certainly did!
If I had given up the second I felt my heart race and my legs quiver, then I
wouldn’t be on my way to my dream of working with schools, I would have long gone
back home only to quit other opportunities that presented itself to me.
Am I brave?
I do not know… Do I get scared? Hell yeah!... Do I let it stop me? Once I’m out
of hiding under my blanket, I’m up for any challenge!
At home anywhere the world has to offer me. |
If facing
my fears to reach my dreams, means I’m strong, brave and independent, then I
guess I am. But, it certainly is not something I was born with. The more I face
life and fight, the more easier it gets to get up and actually move forward. It
doesn’t mean I get any less scared. Change and New Journeys still frighten me
to bits, but now I have the confidence that it will be fine!
The fear of
the unknown and of new challenges is natural. We all experience it one time or
the other. In fact if you don’t get nervous, then there is something to be worried
about! Go. Dream. Fly! Don’t let your fears stop you from doing all that your
heart desires, just like how I don’t let it stop me.
P.S: Sorry for the lame captions on the pictures! Too stressed out to come out with something more creative.
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